• Mission
  • Impact
  • Get Involved

Our mission at LIMOG is to advocate for good governance in Africa. We believe in transparency, accountability, and inclusivity as the pillars of effective leadership. We work tirelessly to empower citizens, champion their rights, and guide them toward making informed choices for a brighter future.

Over the years, LIMOG has made a significant impact on African governance. We've organized awareness campaigns, conducted voter education programs, and collaborated with like-minded organizations to hold leaders accountable. Our research and reports have played a pivotal role in the ongoing dialogue about transparent and inclusive governance.

Joining the LIMOG movement is a powerful way to make a difference in Africa's future. By getting involved, you can participate in our events, volunteer your time, and contribute to our cause. We welcome individuals who share our commitment to good governance and believe that together, we can create a government that truly serves the people.


What is the Liberation Movement for Good Governance (LIMOG)?

LIMOG, the Liberation Movement for Good Governance, is a program/movement organised by the United Mission for Rural & Urban African Community Empowerment dedicated to advocating for transparency, inclusivity, and accountability in Nigerian governance. Our mission is to empower citizens and guide informed choices to create a government that serves the best interests of the people.

How can I get involved with LIMOG's initiatives?

Getting involved is easy! You can join our movement by signing up on our website, attending our events, or volunteering with us. We also welcome contributions and support to further our cause. Your participation is vital in championing good governance in Nigeria.

What impact has LIMOG had on Nigerian governance so far?

LIMOG has made significant strides in promoting good governance. We've conducted awareness campaigns, voter education programs, and collaborated with civil society organizations to hold those in power accountable. Our published research and reports have informed decision-making and contributed to the ongoing discourse on transparent and inclusive governance in Nigeria.

What we do

LIMOG's mission is to champion the cause of transparency, inclusivity, and responsible leadership in Africa, securing a government that truly serves the people.

Promoting Good Governance

We advocate for a government that values transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to the needs of the people. Our mission is to ensure that public resources are utilized for the betterment of our nation.

Mobilizing for Inclusivity

We work to empower all citizens, especially the marginalized, by making their voices heard in the decision-making process. Through education and awareness, we promote inclusivity in government.

Guiding Your Choice

As Africa approaches critical elections, we provide valuable information about candidates, their visions, and their commitment to good governance. Our goal is to help you make an informed choice for a brighter future.